Saturday, January 29, 2011

Putting it Out There

I’m excited to say that my “60 Day Slimdown” workout dvd’s with Lindsay Brin arrived this week in the mail. Gosh I love online shopping. And In the last 10 years I have really “let myself go”. I don’t really have any excuses other than pure laziness. I know I just had twins, but really, I didn’t JUST have them ~ they’re 9 months old today. And I actually only weigh about 15lbs more than pre-twins. (also sad b/c I did get down to 5lbs). So, I need to make changes, starting with these workout videos. I’m just gonna put it out there, and hope it shames me into succeeding. I weigh 211 lbs. My goal is to weigh 125 lbs. That’s 86lbs folks.


b said...

Hey girl, you're braver than me! although I did start stretches in the last two weeks and am going to drag out my two faves - sweatin' to the oldies with Richard Simmons lol and the Weight Watchers first step cd thingy.. we'll get there!

Liana said...

You go girl! I decided I'd check in with Weight Watchers to publicly weigh in each week in hopes of shaming myself into succeeding. My goals are much less lofty -- I'll take 20 for now.

I can't even blame baby weight, since I currently weigh more than I did at 9 months pregnant with my 4th child, 25 years ago. I blame the internet, wine and cheese, for surely I cannot personally take responsibility.

Gemma said...

good luck, if you stay focused you can absolutely do anything!

GraceeJ said...

Yay!!!! Also to motivate you, I'll come in May and we will buy smaller clothes together!!! I'm behind you all the way! and I know you are gonna do it!!!! :) Love you and your brave self and your adorable babies :)

mari said...

OOhhhh I need some Richard Simmons work outs!
I bet you'll have that 86lbs gone before I loose my 20lbs... I've been lazy since Linden came over 3 years ago. Tried running once, but that sucked.
Good for you getting motivated before the babies are even a year old!