Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gardens galore

My in laws, John and Anne came down for the long weekend and we took the opportunity of extra helping hands to get the flowers started this year. Jeremiah found this fantastic concept of the "Square Foot Garden" so he and his dad trotted off to Totem Building Supply, bought some wood n plastic n tarps n stuff and then met us over at Sunnyside Nursery. Must say, they did an amazing job, and now, along with all our flowers, we have a lovely 8' x 2' garden box on the end of our deck! It makes 16 squares and in each square foot is a different vegetable, with the opportunity to harvest certain things and then plant others in their place.The start / mess
The beginning of the garden plot
Finished garden
Sexy closeup
Finished deck (almost) Still need some hanging plants.

2 of the pots in the outside centre have sunflowers surrounded by marigolds, that should grow up to 4 or 5 feet :)
We also still have a lot of seeds we didn't plant, so another Square Foot Garden plot may be in order.

1 comment:

b said...

what a great idea! and you get lots of sun on the looks fantastic.