Randomly counting
My co-worker and I were having a little chat today about how we all (girls) turn out like our mothers. Most of that statement is ok, I love my mom, she's beautiful, caring, funny. Part of that statement however, gives us a little pause. For instance, her mom calls her at least 3 times a week, and when there's nothing to say, reads the Saskatoon Zeller's flyer to her. "Oh look, Zeller's has ketchup!" Lol. That brought to mind a trip to the grocery store last year with my mom. We all talk to ourselves, but I'm afraid she takes it a little farther than that. She counts. As she was unloading the bags from the shopping cart into the back seat of the truck she was counting the bags. Which struck me as really odd, and a little amusing, so I had to ask, "Do you know how many there are supposed to be?" She looked at me blankly, and we burst out laughing. The things you do without realizing. So, is this what I get to look forward to? Randomly counting things? Well, if I get all the other great characteristics my mom has, I'll gladly take it.
She may have counted bags for you, but did she put the sandwich meat back?
I really don't even remember the real story behind the time we went grocery shopping together 20 years or so ago, but we've laugh about it ever since.
Here we were each spending $200 or so on groceries and she put back a pack of sliced ham for $1.89 cuz she felt she spent too much.
Okay, it doesn't seem that funny now, but trust me. It was.
and another thing...
YES you should know how many bags you have, because you have to pay 4 cents for each one so you must know how many you asked for.
(although I will add that I personally have never counted bags, nor has it even crossed my mind to count bags.)
you knew I read this didn't you? thanks for at least being kind LOL ... it's not about what I'm counting, I just count. Like how many steps it is from the car to the house, I suddenly realize I am counting goofy things. I usually start over when I hit 10.. weird, yes. but not necessarily hereditary so you're prolly ok for now...
and I have to confess although it is weirder than counting... as soon as I started reading your blog this morning the same ham story came to mind. Now that is a little scary, seeing we're really only related by marriage (ok and the Lord).
I think this story was back in the days before overdrafts and freedom of spending! I'm better now, too healed as far as dad is concerned, I'm sure! although the price of ham still irks me...
I count stuff too. Wierd.. Mostly like count down from 30 seconds when im waiting for something.. then see how far off i was..
I don't count in the grocery store. But I do always guess the total as I am piling things on the conveyor belt. I can often get within cents.
One thing I do count sometimes is telephone poles. 1, 2, 3 ... there are almost always 10 per kilometer. It's a good way to pass the "are we there yet?" feelings. Until the poles stop when the houses run out - that's frustrating.
I saw a show today that said counting is often used to control neuroticism...
what's neuroticism? I'm starting to get nervous... let's see, that was 7 words.. 3 more and i can start over...
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