Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Poop and Christmas

Yup, that’s my life lately, poop and Christmas. How do they even GET poop up to their necks?!
Tried taking pics of them all wrapped up in lights, but it just didn’t happen like I wanted it too. Maybe next year…IMG_0380
I did host the TTMAC social this month ~ SO much fun, 12 of us were there, just sitting around chatting and drinking wine. I did grind beans for coffee but never actually made it, wine is the drink of choice! Looks like I need a wine rack for the first time in my life. Bought 4 bottles (2 red 2 white) and ended up with 5 unopened bottles and 2 partials! Sweet! That is, if I liked wine…IMG_0441
Also been busy Christmasifying the plaIMG_0405ce. Pretty pretty. IMG_0406IMG_0404
